Dear All,
Image taken from here. |
This Hamilton Lady has decided to move, after much debate amongst her muses and thoughts (the Mesdames were not to happy to hear of this, but in the end, they relented). Indeed, she has decided that her home in blogger is something she has trouble taking care of and that she should leave it to care for her other homes (she has recently gotten a new home on wordpress and she is having much fun in her tumblr home). Moreover, her blogger home is something that she should leave in the care of her much adored lovelies, who have much better blogs than she has. She is sorry to say that she couldn't keep her promise, and that she feels much guilt and shame for not being able to keep it. She feels as if she had attempted to do something and fell short, so she is leaving in order to run away from the problems. But alas, she feels that her other homes and much more suited to her needs and abilities, so Little Miss Georgiane Hamilton would like to leave with these parting words: "My dear lovelies, thank you so much for your support, even though my blog was not that great and even though I was a bad blog mistress. I adore every single one of you and I hope in the future, I shall be able to do what I wasn't able to do before and that I shall have a better blog for you all to enjoy. Adieu now, my dears. I hope the Christmas season and the New Year will treat you all very well! Much love!"
It's true, I'm leaving now. That Hamilton Lady, the blog, is no more. However, That Hamilton Lady, the person, is still around. As stated above, I have two other internet "homes", a wordpress and a tumblr. I also have twitter, as we all know. If you would like to keep up with me, please do so with the following links:
My Tumblr : This blog encompasses many of my interests, which includes other things besides vintage fashion and history. There you will find a good mix of posts that includes my favorite fandoms, kpop, history, etc.
My Wordpress: This is my French blog, which is what I use to practice my French daily. It's really bare as my French is not that great, but I'm improving everyday! Follow only if you know French and all.
My Twitter: I have a habit of changing my twitter username a lot, but I think I'll permanently keep "jeunegeorgie" as my username. I don't use my twitter as much as my tumblr and wordpress, but you're welcome to follow me there anyways!
With that said and done, I hope you all have a good day!
Much love,
Georgie H.